




Supr Slim Wallet

Thanks to @uncrate I thought I may have finally found a replacement for my custom purple wallet (see below) ....but the Supr Slim Wallet doesn't take notes. I still like to roll Vincent Gallo style.


8th Aug 2012 - Add Comment - Tweet


People Person

Being the kind of easy going people person that I am, I often find myself trailing behind someone on the street, thinking "Look at this douchebag ... thinks he's all blah blah blah". More and more of late, that douchbag has been shockingly similar to me.

Here's some defining characteristics of my type, defined by CJ as "post skate":

- Just graduated from a rucksack, probably to a groovy laptop bag? Check. It's hanging to the right too.
- Vans, or even better some exotic variation that you won't have heard of.
- Can't let go of the denim, so spending extra on an expensive variation. Possibly from Japan. "They're like art, almost".
- In the graphics/film/website business.
- Beard.
- iPhone. Or getting one soon.
- Jeff Bridges may well be a style role model. Or Paul Newman. Or Steve McQueen.

You'd hate me if you didn't know me. In fact, I'd hate me if I didn't know me.


4th Sep 2009 - 2 comments - Add Comment - Tweet